Friday, June 3, 2011

Baby Bandit Chieftain

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This is known as the "devil doll " twin brothers first appeared in people's vision of 1997, a tracking station to escape the Burmese students caught smoking his chance, leaving for M16 rifles, two brothers of the figure, which In their 8 years old. Year in January, Myanmar government forces on villages in Karen Union launched a massive cleaning up of armed and in the fierce fight in and surrounded by government forces, the twin brother of the rebel command Huangbuzelu regroup, it was not a miracle comeback. Pictured in 2000, asked to play brothers in the camps.
Survivors of the Croat armed Shihai this discontent to their old twins fetish, willing to seek refuge with their command. Brothers are asked to lead this team from the "g Union"and established a Karen "Army of God. " The picture shows the 1999, "LRA"members march in the jungle.
Since then, the "Army of God" has expanded steadily, the end of 1998, "Army of God" to the height of the size of the 500 people, Johnny and Luther is also the savior of tribe considered sacred. Their "Army of God"in the position of king. The picture shows the 2000, the training is completed, Luther and Johnny and the LRA members of the armed group photo.
They have supernatural abilities of various legends are more subtle movements of its cast a veil of mystery: they single-handedly defeated-equipped government forces; their invulnerability to an enemy a hundred; they can control the battlefield will power ... ... in Associated Press photo published in 1999, the two brothers, the children or childish off. Exactly like the girl his brother Johnny, the Health and handsome with a rounded face, long black hair combed neatly to around my shoulders, looked shy and confused. A brother, Luther is another way: do not often sparse and dry combing of hair, the amount of hair has started to fall off the top, smoking a cigarette pretending to be inanimate.
Leading the "Army of God"period, usually two brothers under the very strict on fasting pork, eggs, not allowed to fight, curse, drug and alcohol abuse, violators will be subject to severe corporal punishment. Luther explained: "We were fighting in the mountains there is nothing to eat, often hungry, government forces often fooled us with the food lure, so the regulations do not eat pork and eggs. " Pictured in 1999, two brothers Johnny Rambo holding bodyguards.
A 2000 hostage incident, let the world see their energy. This year, the 10 "of the LRA, " members of the captured city of western Thailand Lace Bristol hospital, seized 500 hostages. Thai troops in and for nearly a day of confrontation, they finally stormed the hospital to the Thai military to surrender. According to a witness description of Thailand, 10 "of the LRA, " the members have all been killed at close range. Although the brothers did not directly participate in the fighting, but their influence by the media hype. The picture shows the official inventory of staff hostage taking incident in the dead body.
A 2000 hostage incident, let the world see their energy. This year, the 10 "of the LRA, " members of the captured city of western Thailand Lace Bristol hospital, seized 500 hostages. Thai troops in and for nearly a day of confrontation, they finally stormed the hospital to the Thai military to surrender. According to a witness description of Thailand, 10 "of the LRA, " the members have all been killed at close range. Although the brothers did not directly participate in the fighting, but their influence by the media hype. The picture shows the official inventory of staff hostage taking incident in the dead body.
But the twins quickly from the public eye once again disappeared. After 5 years, there is news that they live in refugee camps in Thailand, and their families; but many people speculate that they return to the jungle, take up arms again. The picture shows the official in Thailand in 2000 two brothers living in refugee camps in Thailand photos.
Again the two brothers have been in people's attention in 2006. July 19, John Benito(middle) led the nine "of the LRA, " his followers surrendered to the Myanmar government. At the same time, he acknowledged that the two brothers who have notthe legendary "god. "
Since then, the two brothers in the 5-year gap in life was to light the details. One year after entering the camp, 16-year-old Luther and a 19-year-old refugee camps married Karen women, both married gave birth to a boy. Johnny will return to the jungle. Looking back on when the "baby bandit chieftain"days, the brothers said that those days were very difficult and sometimes even eat bananas and drink water only by living, by contrast, life inside the camps while some monotonous, but at least peace Secure, do not worry about personal safety. Pictured in 2001, two brothers reunited with his mother in the refugee camps.

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