Monday, April 18, 2011

Mubarak accepted the two sons in jail or facing prosecution hanging examination

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According to Russian media, the Egyptian general prosecutor's office announced that the prosecution in April 16 in Cairo's Tora prison in the outskirts questioned former President Hosni Mubarak's two sons, Ala and Gamal. 

Egyptian media said that for security reasons, Allah, and Jamal had not been summoned to the Attorney General's Office for questioning. If convicted, Hosni Mubarak's two sons will face imprisonment or death by hanging; the entire trial process will continue for at least one year. 

Was accused of corruption and abuse of power by President Hosni Mubarak and his two sons in the April 12 arrest and prosecution by the Egyptian investigation. It is reported that Jamal accused of corruption and embezzlement worth 700 million U.S. dollars of state funds, and suspected illegal to export gold; January this year he will be anti-government demonstrations in Egypt, ordered the protesters opened fire on the issue under investigation.

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